Friday, February 12, 2010

Race Day

Once upon a time about six years ago, which is how old Avery is, I found the time, no I made the time to work out. I must admit I have fallen in that motherhood rut and can't seem to figure out where me going to the gym fits in. Really early, really late? Ryan and I have talked about it and he supports me taking whatever time I choose. I am not "fat" but I certainly have gained some weight. And I am not going to say it is baby weight because Alyssa is three, plus I think it is a cop out when women say that. The point of my story is that above you will find my sister Lorena and her friend Tina. About two weekends ago they ran the Huntington Beach Race.

Good for them. I realize they did not just get up and run. Clearly they had to train. My sister told me they would train. At this point for me the motivation is not 100% there. I don't know why but it is not. Anyhow good job Tina and Lorena!


Unknown said...

haha Nick Kumpis and his wife did too!!

Unknown said...

and BTW..did i tell you how much i love Avery and Alyssa!