Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Ryan and I never really celebrated valentine's day as it really is not a holiday, but now that the kids understand holiday's and with school kind of making a big deal about it we have been "forced" to acknowledge it. With that said we have been celebrating Valentine's Day since Friday. Avery had his class party and it seemed to go well, unfortunately I caught a cold and did not feel like volunteering to help. That night Ryan took Claude and I to a very nice dinner at Morton's. I do appreciate that these great steak places generally have really good seafood as I am not a huge steak person. The festivities continued on Saturday Claude and the kids got me some beautiful flowers. Bringing us to today, I still feel like I should just be laying in bed but we had to say good bye to Claude fairly early as her flight left at ten o'clockish. We were all really sad to see her leave. But we did kind of threw out some plans for the kids to visit this summer. :) This year she would take both of them........

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