Although week 2 of first grade is almost wrapping up, week 1 definitely kept us on our toes. The privileges of first grade come with lots of great perks, you get to play on the big yard, get two recess breaks and of course that means that your day is longer too. So as Avery's day is longer that means that mommy and daddy need to remember that the bus will be here later.
Rigo was our fabulous bus driver last year, oh how I miss not having to worry about Avery. Jose is great but Rigo was like one of us on the bus, Avery new not to get out of line, we would know. Plus he would always remind us of anything bus time line related matters we need to know. That being said day one mommy was misinformed as to what time Avery was to be dropped off which left us frantic for about forty minutes. Dad waited for Avery who eventually showed up but only after he coached the bus driver as to where he needed to be dropped off. And that is not to mention I was on the phone with the school office being less than cool about the whole situation. I did eventually apologize to the secretary. But in my defense she could not tell me the bus drivers name, the man that was driving my child around.
Day 2: Went with out a hitch. WHEW.
Day 3: Well let's say we forgot it was a modified day. Tia Lety was suppose to pick him up from the bus stop but YET AGAIN Avery found him self problem solving. I was shocked that my precious little six year old would be allowed to leave the bus with no one to pick him up, but he was. Here is where this whole situation gets sticky. Avery is not a latch key kid so how is he suppose to get into the gated community we live in? Technically he needs two keys, one for the community door and one for the house door. Well Avery has always self proclaimed to be a genius and although he may not be a "genius" he sure is street smart. In his own words he apparently waited for a car to come in followed behind it and walked in before the gate closed. Once he got home he realized the front door was locked jumped over our back balcony and through the french doors. Just a note, I have a hard time jumping that balcony.
Day 4: Avery lost his second bottom tooth. But that night the tooth fairy forgot to come, putting us into Friday.
At this point I looked over to Daddy and said "I think we are now technically the worst parents ever!" He agreed.