Yes, the title refers to the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Avery asked me this morning, day 2, if he looked like the boys from Narnia. He wears a sweater vest and until now I had not thought of it, he either looks like the boys from Narnia or Mr. Rogers. Either way we can't go wrong. So I simply told him that, Yes! He did look like the boys from Narnia and he looked very handsome.
We are in the full swing of school, just landed on our feet, homework and everything. The kids were bathed and in bed by 8pm. Daddy and I were giddy at the silence, not that we don't love to answer twenty questions AT ONCE. But the thought of just the two of us able to sit and watch a baseball game, the end of it, or anything for that matter sounded really nice. Unfortunately for daddy as is life mommy was knocked out by 8:30pm.

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