Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mardi Gras Mask

The great thing about starting a new quarter at work is that we get to have a party. You know celebrate our selves for what we did and inspire for what we want. At least that is what I hope people get out of it. But I am not delusional. If I am right most of my sales associates are probably most excited about the themes and the food. Last quarter we celebrated different fashion trends like the 80's and 70's.

This quarter we are going Mardi Gras. Somewhat inspired by the Saints winning the super bowl. Plus I get to ultimately choose the themes and I have always wanted to have a Mardi Gras Party. Sometimes it is good to be the boss.

I made this mask for one of my co-managers, it took me roughly eight hours and two days. I have not started on mine but will share.

1 comment:

michelle michael said...

wow, you're crafty!! p.s. i love your new signature!!