Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm in the mood for LOVE.....

Avery is getting ready for St. Valentine's Day! He speaks of no girlfriends but only because Devlyn has a boyfriend. This will be his first time giving out Valentine cards and his biggest concern is that someone will not want his card and "tear it up!" Poor buddy.

As for mommy and daddy, well daddy has something up his sleeve but won't tell us. He even got a baby sitter. Again Avery over heard the conversation and took offense to being called a baby. So we explained that it was just a title and that he was not a baby.

Avery is at that age where he understands things at a different level and we are finding our selves explaining a lot more to him than before. Ugh, he is just growing up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who's this babysitter??