Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Oh wait, it's February. Well technically my work year started effective Sunday. That being said you could see it one of two ways the stress starts all over again or (what I chose to do) leave the store three days in on the top so I could with no second thoughts take 13days off! Typing that just put a smile on my face.

Here is a quick recap of January. Happy Birthday Alyssa Grace! Three year old big girl. She loved all her gifts. Aunt Victoria, Alyssa loves her tutu outfit. Unfortunately for Alyssa her birthday landed on moving day. Yes we moved.

The kids still share a room but they have their own bathroom, We new we made the right decision when Avery and Alyssa lost each other. So the last month has been filled with trying to not live out of a box.

Avery started taking the bus. He has been a "morning kid " for about three weeks now. It was kind of rough on all of us at first, he has to be at the bus stop at 7am which puts us waking up at 6am, that is if he wants breakfast. We have all somewhat assimilated and Avery does'nt whine and cry any more that it is too early, the sun is not up and no one should be up or going to school in the dark.

Which brings us to today. It is actually "Wacky Wednesday" Avery and Alyssa love reading "Wacky Wednesday." We only read it on Wednesday because it just gets to loud in here. So today we are having a guest reader, GRAMMY CLAUDE! Claude is flying in and it is a complete surprise for the kids. I am super excited. All week long Avery has been asking who his special guest reader is, they are both in for a surprise.