Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First and Last

This may possibly be my first and last post of the year, definitely the first for the month. Well December being my busiest and craziest month of the year has definitely not let me down this year. What date is it today? Oh (I just looked on my phone) the 30th. Well I was right this will be my last entry of the year.

Here are the last two months at home in a nut shell. Thanksgiving was spent at my sisters. My mom went to visit Lety in Virginia so we had to fend for our selves. Seeing as my sister and I don't cook and the restaurant that we had intended to go to was closed our only other option was to make what we do know how to make for Thanksgiving dinner, BURRITOS! Plus the supermarket had a black out and between my pantry and hers thats all we had the energy to muster up.

December, again Ryan and I worked like crazy. Ryan got promoted (good job babe). Avery and Alyssa eventually got to see Santa. I would like to apologize to everyone Christmas cards were not sent out this year. Avery took his folder wish list and asked Santa for a gazillion things. And after waiting in line for an hour Alyssa decided she was done and would not smile for the picture. Considering last years picture she is trying to escape Santa's lap I thought the picture was mildly a success. Christmas day was spent at my mom and dads with the fam. that was great. The kids made out like bandits as always Santa and the grandparents came through.

No plans for New Year's Day, as Avery likes to put it we will probably watch a movie and bring in the New Year quietly as a "Happy Family"

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